Full Day Kindergarten
Maria Montessori designed the Primary program as a three-year cycle. Children ages 3 – 6 stay with the same teacher, in the same classroom. This third year becomes a pivotal time when all of the experiences of the previous years reach fruition, and a child’s deeper knowledge begins to fall into place. Students are guided to take on more complex work with an increased set of expectations and privileges in the classroom while experiencing rapid academic and social growth.
Children enter a conventional kindergarten classroom with a variety of experiences. Some have been in a day care setting, others have never been away from home, and others have been in preschool. The teachers will spend the first months of the year settling the children into a routine, getting to know who they are and assessing what they know. In a Montessori environment, your child is known by their teacher on their first day.
The jump from kindergarten to first grade is substantial for all children regardless of where they start. Why not let your child complete the cycle, give them the gift of experiencing the explosion of learning and be better prepared for the transition to first grade?